
The MACMA theater campaign begins its tour through the schools of the region

01 March 2019 - 00: 30

The schools of Jesús Pobre, Xàbia and Teulada Moraira have hosted since the beginning of February the first sessions of the 22nd Theater Campaign in the schools of the Marina Alta, which will once again bring a theatrical proposal based on proximity and interaction to the children of the region. In fact, one of the main advantages of this consolidated dramatic project focuses on the fact that the students come into contact with the actors since they move to their teaching environment.

campana de teatro de la macma en los colegios de la marina alta

The campaign, which will visit the rest of the schools and municipalities of the region during the rest of the semester, is in charge of one more year of a company from the region, in this case L'Oracle de l'Est, the people in charge of which lead this year a representation based on the great classic of literature around the world in 80 days: the universal work of Jules Verne that the actors have enriched through music and the adaptation of the original story to the language scenic.

campana de la macma para acercar el teatro a los colegios

From the MACMA -Mancomunitat Cultural de la Marina Alta-, coordinating entity of the campaign, the fact of having already reached more than two decades of theater programming in Valencian and with professional companies of the region is valued. In this sense, the manager of the entity, Jovi Seser, pointed out «la trascendencia de un programa cultural que ya tiene tantos años como la MACMA: veintidós dos ediciones que son una muestra de cómo ha crecido la escena dramática en la comarca ya la vez un ejemplo de continuidad y apoyo por parte de los ayuntamientos de la Marina Alta en el teatro en nuestra lengua».

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