
Dénia's IES Number 3 was dyed purple for the Day Against Gender Violence

November 27 from 2018 - 06: 59

The educational community of IES Number 3 of Dénia joined the demands of the November 25, Day Against Gender Violence. And he did it by dying purple and with a remarkable schedule of acts.

Throughout the month a series of coordinated educational initiatives have been developed as a team from the vice-direction of the institute, the orientation and equality and coexistence team to instill in students the principles of coeducation that, unfortunately, society evidences that it is necessary to reinforce day a day.

lazo gigante contra la violencia de genero en el ies numero 3

On Friday, November's 23 formed a great bond in the yard. In addition, the 3º ESO students produced a large banner that shows the rejection of the entire institute towards gender violence. An exhibition of photographs by Dina Goldstein was also added, demystifying the princesses of the stories, where the students wrote, at the end of the photo, their reflections.

Every hour, during class changes, protest songs played on the speakers. Finally, the student of 1º of high school, Rosa Gil, wrote and read this manifesto of rejection:

As the poet Vicent Andrés Estellés will say: «Hi, a day that we will no longer be able to answer and we will not be able to answer anything».
Trobe that aquest day to be hui. Hui can fer front a aquesta violència masclista that ens oprimeix, ens maltracta i ens mata.

Hui i tots els dies vinents podem utilitzar the feminism with the nostra eina per a combatre la violència.

Nosaltres you give them if femús of the sororitat i ens considerem com a companyes i no com a rivals, podrem to advise the nostra visibilitat and feel that the canvi is necessari i has to be inmediat.

To the mateix temps hem of fer lloc als homens per to participate in this rainy season that, deixat a band els privilegis that you donate this societat on nosaltres, també, now us cohibeix.

You must act according to the established roles.

Cal unite us totes and tots and train together the pillars of the patriarchy that has carried our times of protection. We have to open a nail and expel all that is causing pain.

I that per fi, arr arrives the llum that ens ajudarà to fer florir la nostra llibertat.

pancarta contra la violencia de genero en el ies numero 3

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