
Defenders and detractors of the 'Bous a la Mar' will face each other in an open debate

Event Date: July 05, 2018
Event type: Other events
Site: House of Culture
Schedule: 20: 00 hours
Home: Free
Event finished

The platform in defense of animals Bous in Pau has convened, next Thursday 5 July, an open debate to know the positions of defenders and detractors of the shows of Bous a la Mar, which will start on Saturday 7 of July in Dénia.

organizadores del debate sobre los bous a la mar

As explained by one of its representatives during the turn of intervention of the public in the full City Council, Victor Van Herpt, it is an open debate to know the two points of view. For the moment the participation of Jesús Frare, member of the association, as a detractor of the Bous a la Mar; and Dianense David Medina Aguilar as defender of the bullfighting show.

The association took advantage of its intervention in the plenary to invite the members of the corporation to participate defending their positions. The party councilor, Óscar MengualHe accepted to attend as a citizen to listen to the different opinions of the participants and praised the fact that, throughout the year, the members of the association have shown their position in a peaceful manner.

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  1. Miranda says:

    I don't know what the milk has to do with one another. Oh, and the vote you refer to is written »vote». No problem

  2. María Rosal (Fernán‐Núñez, Córdoba, 1961) is a complete writer. She has published children's theatre, has received the Andalusian Critics' Award (2004), the Children's Poetry Award (2007) and the José Hierro National Poetry Award for Carmín rojo sangre (2015). Her poetic work has been translated into English, Italian and Greek.<br/> <br/> This is her second book for children in edebé, after the funniest title, El secreto de las patatas fritas.<br/> <br/> Maria has a very funny sense of humour. says:

    I love the defenders of the bulls, I would like to know if they are defenders of the unborn and sure that the 90% bounce in favor of abortion
    I wish they were not so fake

    • Luis says:

      With all due respect, his comment denotes a great confusion of terms and a great burden of prejudice. How can you know what others think or believe, perhaps you have the super power to read minds? He is talking about two totally opposite issues. With his comment, he places a bull and a human fetus on the same line. By the way, you vote in the elections and the ball is thrown if we play Basketball.
