
March time change 2018: clocks go ahead to enter summer time

23 March 2018 - 23: 34

With the arrival of spring comes the time to change the time clocks and enter the summer time. On Saturday night 24 to Sunday 25 in March, the clocks come forward one hour. That is to say: 2 in the early morning will be the 3.

With this change, as established by a European directive, it is intended to make better use of sunlight and consume less electricity. From this Sunday, it will dawn and dusk later.

cambio de hora marzo 2018

How to adapt to the new schedule

This change in time means that «perderemos» One hour of sleep on the night from Saturday to Sunday. Experts recommend, to habituate without major problems to the new schedule, not to modify the hours of getting up, eating or having dinner despite the change that we will suffer.

There are also foods that can help us adapt. Eating legumes, nuts, oats and products rich in vitamin C, such as oranges or strawberries, helps the body adapt to the change in time

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