
The businessmen of the region celebrate their annual gala with Catalan and local politics as protagonists

02 March 2018 - 12: 20

The most awaited night of the businessmen of the Marina Alta. Este jueves, 1 de marzo, el Cercle d’Empresaris de la Marina Alta celebró en el Vacation Specials La Sella Golf la XI Awards Gala CEDMA, which recognized the trajectories of the companies DASS, Plastymir and Hotel Casa Julia, in Parcent.

14th cedma awards gala awarded with the president

The winners shared protagonism with the political criticism that followed throughout the event. The gala began with the conference of Josep Bou Vila, president of the Business Association of Catalonia, which analyzed the current political situation in his autonomous community. Bou was especially critical of the Catalan government, which he blamed for the instability generated, which has caused the flight of companies and entrepreneurs to other areas, especially the Valencian Community.

06 xi gala premios cedma josep bou vila

After the talk of Bou began the awards ceremony. The first to receive the statuette created by Teo San José for the occasion were the representatives of Hotel Casa Julia, in Parcent. Its manager, Ismael Reig, reviewed his business career and recalled that in an area like the Marina Alta there are many companies that, like his, follow a family tradition.

09 xi gala premios cedma premio a hotel casa julia

The following ones in collecting their prizes were José Luis Català and Hilario Català, from the company DASS. After 30 years in operation, they currently have headquarters in several municipalities of the Region. The Català brothers summarized the philosophy of their company with the projection of a corporate video.

10 xi gala premios cedma premio a dass

El tercer premio a entregar fue para Plastymir. Su gerente, Vega Torró, ensalzó especialmente la figura de su tía Isabel, alma de la empresa que aún hoy, a su avanzada edad, visita cada día la fábrica. A pesar de llevar 60 años a sus espaldas, Torró «amenazó» con que «esto acaba de empezar».

13 xi gala premios cedma plastymir

After the awards ceremony, it was the turn of the speeches of the present authorities. The first, that of the president of CEDMA, Sonja Dietz, who was very critical of the Dianense government. Dietz began by reviewing employment data at the national level, regretting that, although the figures speak of economic growth, the reality is that employment is precarious especially with women.

The president had for all. He began by praising the work carried out by the City Council in favor of gastronomic tourism, through the project Creative City of Gastronomy, showing his satisfaction for the regional bet that Dénia has made.

16 xi gala premios cedma sonja dietz

In this sense, Dietz opted to combine more services and facilities in the Marina Alta, and greater communication between the bordering municipalities at the time of planning. On Dénia's PGE, Dietz denounced that the local government «nos ninguneó» with the participatory workshops held during the document's exhibition period, and he hoped that this provisional document would prevent Dénia and the citizens from having to pay more urban decisions.

On the local facilities, the president spoke of a station «para minibuses» provisional and praised the role of the port and its businessmen, who have made a strong commitment to enhance a space that has become the postcard of the city.

19 xi gala premios cedma premiados y autoridades

After the president took the word autonomic secretary of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Trade and Labor, Blanca Marín; the government delegate in the Comunitat, Juan Carlos Moragues; and the President of Les Corts, Enric Morera. All of them dedicated words to the speech of the president of the Catalan businessmen and spoke of the current political situation from their different points of view.

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