
The School of Young Entrepreneurs of Marina Alta opens its doors in Dénia

18 October 2017 - 07: 42

Motivación, confianza, nuevas experiencias… con el objetivo de alentar todos esos y otros muchos valores entre los más jóvenes de la comarca nació la School of Young Entrepreneurs, a pioneering educational project, created by the company The Financial Recipe, which began its journey in the Marina Alta in 2016.

Now, thanks to the impulse of the councils of Youth, Education and Economic Promotion of the Ajuntament de Dénia and the private companies that sponsor the training grants, and the collaboration of Creama and Jovempa Marina Alta, Dénia joins this initiative.

presentacion de la escuela de jovenes emprendedores de dena

The objective of the project, as explained by the The Financial Recipe, Verónica Deambrogio, is to create a network of young people «con ganas, pasión, entusiasmo y espíritu emprendedor» and help them «a encontrar su talento» fostering entrepreneurial culture and financial education. It is, in Deambrogio's words, «un proyecto de todos y para todos en el que se promueve la integración y cohesión entre el sector público, el sector privado, la comunidad educativa y las familias».

The School of Young Entrepreneurs (EJE) in Denia is aimed at young people from 14 to 20 years, has 30 places and is free. The classes will be taught in the facilities of Youth (Round Walls, 42), from November of 2017 to June of 2018, one day a week, on Thursdays, from 17 to 19 hours. The registration is open until October 22 and should be formalized online at the address www.elrecetariofinanciero.com/eje2018. Here, interested parties should leave some personal and contact information and briefly explain why they want to be part of the School.

The EJE develops the methodology "learning by doing" and gamification, with which the students work in a totally practical way and through the game and challenges. In a first cycle of the course will work the skills, attitudes and values ​​of the entrepreneur, acquiring skills such as speaking in public, working as a team or develop perseverance.

In the second cycle, the City Council of Denia, from the areas of leisure, education, tourism or infrastructure and services, will raise students a real problem of the community so that young people, through methodology design thinking, work on solving it. Your solution proposals will be presented at an entrepreneur's fair, in which a jury will decide which is the most innovative idea.

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