
The French family Marrell discovers a corsair boat submerged in front of the coast dianense in 1813

01 September 2017 - 16: 57

A young woman of French origin, Orianne Marrel, made a surprising discovery on the north coast of the Dianan coast while snorkeling with her brother. It is a wooden skeleton of a corsair boat that is sunk 350 meters from the beach, about three and a half meters deep.

The remains belong to a corsair vessel sunk on the Dianan coast in the year 1813, in the middle of the Independence War as announced, Josep A Gisbert, municipal archaeologist and Rafa CarrióCouncilman culture.

This magnificent discovery took place in the past 29 of July but has preferred to be silent until today to avoid a possible plunder or deterioration of it. It was preferable to spend August, a month of great influx of vacationers, before making it known.

It was the young man's own father who went to Gisbert himself to make the discovery known. For the moment, what has been located is part of the hull of the ship.

In Patrimonio already know this finding, now the City Council itself will request the possibility of an archaeological survey, according to said the mayor of culture, Rafa Carrió. Gisbert pointed out other plans for the future, such as that the wreck stay where it is, mark the area to visit diving, that is, taking the necessary control measures to prevent damage.

Of this sinking there was already evidence in the Inventory of archaeological sites of Denia, there was evidence thanks to the text of the manuscript "The Llobarro" of Francisco Palau. It was narrated the shipwreck, called "Zephir" in a warlike episode between the 13 and 14 days of May of 1813.

The wreck will be named "INVJASUB 811. Derelicte Orianne. French Corsair Zefarin". In that denomination the name of the French girl of 16 years that has found it is included.

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