
The Rotary Club of Denia receives the students who left the exchange

21 July 2017 - 00: 00

The Rotary Club of Denia celebrated this week, in Hotel Los Angeles, The welcome of those students who have just returned from spending their school year abroad and the farewell of the two who leave this year with the Rotary exchange program to spend a school year one of them in the United States and the other In Indonesia.

estudiantes de intercambio del rotary club denia

The students were accompanied by their families, club president Javier Seguí, the 2203 Arturo Ordovás Exchange Manager, the Rotary Club of Denia Clara Femenía, as well as other foreign exchange students who are already in our city.

This Rotary year 2017-18 the Denia club receives five exchange students, three from the United States, one from India and one from Finland.

estudiantes de intercambio del club rotario de denia

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