
Show of Teatre «Ciutat de Dénia»

May 19 from 2011 - 11: 59

7 11 of June to be held in Denia Mostra de Teatre «Ciutat de Dénia». 5 days for selected groups will represent their works and Vicent Balaguer, Inma Campos, Paco Bertomeu and Antonio Díaz who exercise jury, and who have also been responsible for selecting the works that will participate in the Festival.

This year there are two notable developments: first, the participation of a group of animation of the ETC in the opening ceremony and the second, the stellar performance of Tonino Guitián next 12 June at 20 hours (Sunday) at the pub Dorian Gray to close the Mostra.

The Mostra will allocate the price of the tickets (4 euros -3 with Llunàtics, Dinàmics or Retiree card) to the Federation Marina Alta Solidaria, a volunteer entity from the Marina Alta.

The closing will be held on Saturday 11 and awards will be given to the Best Work (chosen by the public), Best Actress, Best Actor, Best Director, Special Mention and Prize for the use of Valencian. The trophies that will be awarded have been made by the TAPIS students.

Check here the schedule of the Mostra

All performances begin at 20: 30 hours at the Auditorium Theater of Social Center. Tickets can be purchased 4 euros (EUR 3 card Dinamics and pensioners).

Mostra de Teatre 2011

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