
Pedro Martínez finished third in the 73 Km of the 'VI Perimeter of Benissa'

28 March 2017 - 01: 30

The athlete, Pedro Martinez, of the team Esports Colau Trail, got the podium in race Queen 73 km., Of "VI perimeter Benissa".

The ultra Regional Championship Racing Mountain Valencia, was dominated by the big favorites. Miguel Angel Sanchez Cebrian and Sebas Sanchez athlete who wanted to renew his previous victories in this test.

The winner was Miguel Ángel Sanchez, who started the race strong pace, squeezing in sections run, less technical. Sebas Sanchez, managed to follow the trail of Sánchez Cebrián to Bérnia area in which the winner last year managed to overcome his opponent and winning the "Cro-Magnon award"He awarded the first athlete doing summit at the peak of Bérnia.

Sebas Sanchez felt the breath of his neighbor (both are Petrer), which in Senija descent to overtake him again. Miguel Angel Sanchez acknowledged Cebrián, crossing the finish line as the winner, he was surprised to be back to good Sebas stuck again on the last climb, 500 meters before the finish. In this situation forces they accompanied him and was marked a new arreón, with a change of pace that allowed him to go first to the old town of Benissa with a time of 07: 53: 24, by 07: 55: 09 Sebas Sanchez . Third came Pedro Martínez, leaving the clock in 08: 06: 12.

pedro martinez en el podio de los 73 km

Consolidation test

Perimeter in Benissa 6 consolidates its potential after years of evolution. Tests 42 and 23 kilometers, the latter a new highly acclaimed by participants responded to the expectations of friends and strangers. At the awards ceremony, Xavi Tro, Councilor for Sports, thanked the great efforts made by the more than 600 athletes, more than 200 volunteers and the organization of this event, also coordinated first by the CM Margalló and Athletics Club Benissa Ginestar who have joined with flying colors.

podium femenino 42 km

General classifications

Women 23 Km Trail

ª 1 Marta Sánchez 2: 37.20
ª 2 María Marí 2: 37.41
ª 3 Ronda Raquel 2: 40.20

Male 23 Km Trail

1 º Vicente Llorca 2: 00.38
2 º Pere Moragues 2: 05.45
3 º Lorenzo García 2: 07.24

23 Km Trail Equipment

1 º Atletisme Benissa 6: 3820
2 º El Faro 7: 25.14
3 º Mountain Llebeig 7: 34.36

23 Km Trail Mixed Teams

1 º Mountain Llebeig 7: 36.12

Female 42 Km Trail

ª 1 Jessica Asensio 5: 32.41
ª 2 Noemí Aranda 5: 38.09
ª 3 Lorena González 6: 22. 18

Male 42 Km Trail

1 º Fº José Marcuello 4: 18.06
2 º Enric Martínez 4: 26.30
3 º Juanma Castle 4:28.44

42 Km Trail Equipment

1 º Komando Trail 13: 48.47
2 º 2 14 the Faixa: 02.22
3 º The Faixa 18: 59.49

42 Km Trail Mixed Teams

1 º Vil 18: 27.31

73 Km Ultra Trail Female

ª 1 Mercedes Pila 10: 09.52
ª 2 Miryam Talens 10: 54.55
ª 3 Encarna Cardona 11: 16.13

73 Km Ultra Men's Trail

1 º Miguel Ángel Sanchez 7: 53.24
2 º Sebas Sanchez 7: 55.09
3 º Pedro Martínez 8: 06.12

73 Km Ultra Trail Equipment

1 º Trail Runnin La Sima 28: 43.18
2 º Team Trivici 29: 28.58
3 º EEC Trail Club 29: 36.19

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