
MACMA celebrates the cohesive 20 years Marina Alta

24 March 2017 - 09: 27

The Cultural Association of the Marina Alta celebrates this 2017 its twentieth anniversary. An important date that they are going to celebrate with a special program of activities that will take place in the coming months. The manager of the MACMA, Jovi Lozano, together with the president, Vicent GrimaltAnd the coach body, Nuria Gómez, presented this week in Dénia programming prepared to mark the anniversary.

la macma cumple 20 anos

The highlight of this anniversary will be three days to be held at different locations in the region. The first will take place on March 29 in Beniarbeig, and will focus on tourism and territory. The second will be held in September in a location yet to be determined, and treat culture under the slogan The MACMA interacts. The third and final day will be held on October 21 and she mayors and councilors from across the region will gather to reflect on the model of the MACMA.

In addition to these activities, the MACMA remains committed 3º Fira ComarcalTo be held in November in Ondara and has already become a benchmark for 33 municipalities of Marina Alta.

There will also be news in your guide to cultural resources, which are working to offer a more comprehensive database in which all cultural groups meet Marina Alta. Also, soon you will see the new website of the MACMA.

New Image

La conmemoración del vigésimo aniversario de la MACMA trae consigo la renovación de la imagen de la mancomunitat. En la presentación de la programación se mostró la el nuevo logo del ente comarcal, presidido por una gran «C», de cultura y comarca, sobre un mapa de la Marina Alta a modo de constelación. «Un concepto más sentimental de lo que es el sentimiento de pertenencia comarcal»Said Lozano.

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