
Do you suffer post-holiday syndrome? San Carlos Polyclinic clear your doubts

08 September 2016 - 09: 02

With the return to work after the holidays it's time to change the office beach. This can lead to a difficult adjustment to the work routine and with it the so-called post holiday syndrome.

The most common symptoms are fatigue, poor concentration, nervousness and sleep, accompanied by little motivation, decay, stress and irritation. Sabina García Gramser, psychologist HLA San Carlos Denia says that not everyone suffers from this syndrome, according to Addeco only suffer from the 30% of workers. "To have or not post-holiday syndrome depends largely on the adaptability of each person, and the ability to project forward and not get hooked in the past," says the professional.
During the holidays took to disconnect a week, and therefore are also seven days it normally takes to re-adapt to our work. "Almost everyone can have some anxiety or discomfort the first week" specifies the specialist, adding that "if the discomfort goes beyond two weeks is because there is usually something else. A person who is psychologically well has the capacity to overcome the return to routine, and if not, is because there is another underlying problem. "

According to the doctor, a good holiday reduces the stress of returning to work. "It is very important to the ability of the person being aware of having rested and enjoyed, because there is a greater sense of satisfaction and this helps to assimilate change" says the psychologist, adding that "if they have been a vacation where there has been rest is going to continue to follow the impression stressed, tense and sad."

Sabina García Gramser, psychologist at HLA San Carlos de Dénia

As for the ideal time to take vacations, a combination would be appropriate. Take fifteen days in a row and then the remaining two weeks distribute them throughout the year, so that the wait is not so long. Although this also depends on the work, because "there are some that wear a lot and require more time to rest" adds the HLA professional San Carlos Office.

"Ideally, take it easy and get home two or three days before returning to the daily routine to reconnect with reality," explains Sabina, adding that "it is important to be integrated into the first week leisure areas, live in the present and remember that even though the holidays have ended, we still have free time where you can still enjoy. "

In addition, during these earlier days must begin to gradually reinstate the habits and schedules, go shortening the time spent awake at night and return to the routine meals. But most important is the philosophy of each person. "If you come back to a job that motivates bit where you have problems with your bosses or colleagues, or you do not like, you have every chance of suffering post-holiday syndrome" says Sabina.
If nevertheless, after two weeks workers are still very depressed, should go to a psychologist for further assessment of the causes of these symptoms. "Because sometimes, is not only the return to work, but the reality that those involved, and this syndrome might just be the tip of a more serious problem is knowing not manage well," concludes Sabina.

Contact Hospital San Carlos Grupo HLA

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