
If you want to drive motorcycles research permits and courses Autoescuela Guillem

May 25 from 2016 - 12: 18

En Autoescuela Guillem offer the possibility of obtaining various permits Class A. If you want to enjoy your bike in summer or for the new school year, inform yourself and classes and exams.

Motorcycles are one of the most convenient and economical alternative to the car. And now in summer due to tourism in our city we suffer the crowds of cars, you can prevent your motorcycle. In addition, not to mention parking problems. Because your bike you can reach anywhere without spinning to find a remote a wide parking space.

A permit, Autoescuela Guillem

Permits for motorcycles are:

CLASS A.1, 16 years minimum age, can carry up to 125 cc motorcycle and a maximum power of 11kw
CLASS A.2 18 years minimum age, can carry motorcycles 35kw maximum power, including the class A.1
CLASS A 2 years have at least permission from the A.2 class, all kinds of motorcycles, including those of the A.1 and A.2 class.

A.1 for permission or A.2 type, you need to make the common theoretical and theoretical specific for class A, then they held closed practices so that students get skills of dexterity and emergency braking circuit is then performed examination by way open to traffic.

If the student has permission type B, which is the passenger will only perform the specific test for motorcycles, examination closed circuit and open. If you have the permission of the A.1 class, type A.2 removed only perform audit roads open to traffic.

For permission class A, they not performed tests time to do a theoretical course 3 hours where talk general theoretical and awareness and sensitivity to the problems of traffic, after a practice will both closed circuit and open to general traffic routes. It is undertaken using a motorcycle of at least 600cc and not less than 40kw power.

Think no more. Your motorcycle permit waiting for you already Autoescuela Guillem, Patricio Ferrandiz Street, nº 94, Dénia.

Autoescuela Guillem

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