
The Xarxa de Dones Marina Alta awards the Simon brothers and Antigone association in the Women's Day

February 12 from 2016 - 09: 38

La Xarxa of Gifts of the Marina Alta has announced the names of the winners this year at the 8 awards from Març, which are delivered annually from 2002 «con el fin de reconocer el esfuerzo de mujeres que van abriendo caminos de libertad e igualdad desde diferentes ámbitos», while making visible the tireless work of women in history.

This year, the Xarxa de Dones will recognize the work of the sisters Nieves and Elena Simón, renowned feminists, and of Antígona, Associació de Dones de Valencia. All of them will collect their prizes at the event to be held next March 4, within the programming of International Women's Day.

Nieves and Elena Simón

The sisters Nieves and Elena Simón have worked together in the dissemination and extension of feminism since the end of the 70 years. They are founders of various feminist action groups, among which the Feminario de Alicante, founded in 1980; the Feminist Platform of Alicante, constituted in 2005; and the great organization project of the Musel of Women's Rights and Acts initiated at 2014. From the Xarxa de Dones recognize that «son dos mujeres referente en el feminismo valenciano»and that «su larga trayectoria feminista, su ejemplo y trabajo, les hace más que dignas merecedoras de este reconocimiento».


For its part, Antígona, Associació de Dones, is a group of feminist women from Valencia created in 1993 with the aim of organizing as women to share knowledge and the problems they suffered from being women. Antigone is made up of very diverse women who spend time getting information, training, dealing with personal or social problems and providing themselves with resources to overcome them. His presence both in Valencia and in surrounding towns has been a reference for other women. That is why the Xarxa de Dones de la Marina Alta wants to give you this recognition as a tribute.

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