
What is the difference between tendinitis and tendinosis?

November 18 from 2015 - 00: 00

It is called "tendinitis" acute inflammation of a tendon injury or mechanical overload. When this inflammation continues and becomes chronic, the tendon is weakened by decreasing its strength and degenerates. This condition we call "tendinosis" and the problem becomes more complicated and irreversible because the tendon has been damaged not only at the cellular level, but its blood supply, its structure and mechanical ability.

Achilles tendon

In the upper left image thickening of the Achilles tendon is shown. In the image at the top right, calcifications in the bone "calcaneus" where the Achilles tendon is inserted.

While in the lower left photograph shows a spur calcaneus foot. And in the lower right image calcification of soft type observed in the supraspinatus tendon.

It is very important to distinguish whether it is acute or chronic process in order to properly treat the injury presented by the patient.

To this end, Sant Telm Clinical Center always use ultrasound system that allows us to see the damaged structures inside. And we conducted a test of color Doppler ultrasound to analyze the presence of hypervascularisation.

Sant Telm Clinical Center

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