
Hairdressing Academy offers courses Group 8 custom development

November 16 from 2015 - 10: 26

Hairdressing Academy Group 8 not only it offers courses to learn combing, cutting, coloring and other practices hairdresser, but now you can also enjoy other interesting courses to complete your learning.

The improvement course in hairdressing is based on reinforcing the parts that the student needs, being the program completely personalized, according to the needs that the student requires.

8 development classes Group

So does the duration is limited to the needs and priorities course participants need to refine and improve the technology they require.

If you titulaste a while but have not yet exercised and safety and need more experience, for example in court, 8 Group, give you the opportunity to refine and implement everything I learned. Thus the end of the course you will face as a professional practice to cost you more, for example haircut.

In addition, in 8 Group, also they offer you two very interesting courses to further your education. During quiromasaje lasts six months and a minimum group of 5 people.

And you also have relaxing massage during which you can learn about this discipline in a month.

For more information about these two courses, contact 8 966435187 Group at Avenida Ramón Ortega or, 20. We encourage you to continue studying hairdressing and become a professional Group 8.


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