
Intersindical Salut opinion: «The moment is now»

28 September 2015 - 11: 06

Concern grows day by day among citizens and health professionals in the Marina Alta before the passivity of the Ministry of Health. A passivity and immobility that are not characteristic of a government of progress that comes to power after 20 years of popular governments. In the Marina Alta we have witnessed yet another summer of health chaos, a lack of professionals and complaints from users, while rumors of changes in the health department multiplied, with absolutely no evidence of a change in government. A lost summer.

Over the protests of the Platform in Defense of Public Sanitat and Business Committee Response Ministry of health it is that they have the latest amendments to the contract and therefore can not act. And our answer is: please do not insult our intelligence. If the current Health Department has no record of granting Dénia What kind of transfer of power did with the previous consellería? What have you done during almost 100 days leading in power? Why they have not asked them technicians managing conselleria carrying the matter from 2009?

Appealing to the lack of information at this point, when besides the opposition groups had spent years asking all kinds of information in Les Corts from 2012, is a weak excuse, and more like a strategy to win time a real reason that no one can convince.

The three then opposition parties committed themselves in writing in July 2013 in Les Corts to recover the direct governance of the health department to immediately initiate discussions with representatives of workers and women workers in the department to restore their labor rights , opening points of continuing care of Pedreguer, Gata and Ondara-el Verger, the scrupulous compliance with the contract in terms of health infrastructure, to start two financial audits and health, and finally to put all mechanisms necessary, together with workers and citizens to health care of the region recover lost prestige and confidence in these years of private management.

This document, in itself, is already a work plan. I apply it. Meet promised. It is false that the Platform or unions expect the contract overnight terminated. What is expected is that the Health Department is launched for example initiating immediate discussions with the social partners, to appoint a new commissioner who has the courage and sufficient technical competence to carry out the process, and should agree a new direction of Marina Salud according to 17.8 (management positions) point of administrative specifications. These are the three main points to show that they intend to fulfill the commitments.

The Marina Alta, both its citizens and its political representatives, as well as health professionals, have actively and passively demonstrated their frontal rejection of the health privatization of the department, and will do so more forcefully if the Health Department does not assume immediately the leadership in the recovery of the dignity of the region and continues to rest on their laurels. The moment is now.

Intersindical Salut Dénia

Intersindical Salut

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