
City Council estimated in two years the deadline for final approval of the General Structural Plan

17 September 2015 - 21: 53

With 96 days of government behind them, the presiding executive Vicent Grimalt ha querido hacer balance de los primeros 100 días, en los que consideran que se ha cumplido «buena parte» de lo acordado entre PSOE y Compromís in the Pact of Castle.

But they have not only looked back, they have also looked to the future and have talked about the objectives that they set themselves from now on. One of the fundamental ones is the approval of the General Structural Plan. According to the Councilor for Territory and Urban Quality, Maria Josep Ripoll, the City Council has estimated that it will take two years to achieve final approval of the document.

Documentation of the old PGE

For this, the writing will continue «desde casa, a partir de la creación de una Oficina Municipal de Planificación, cuya propuesta, ya comunicada a los portavoces de todos los grupos, se llevará al pleno de la próxima semana».

According to Ripoll, the Municipal Planning Office will be provided with a work cabinet, made up of technicians and representatives of all political groups, who will be in charge of monitoring and evolving the drafting process of the plan. It will be precisely these technical staff of the city council who will be responsible for drafting the Plan, while certain studies required by the plan, such as feasibility or landscape, to be rewritten, will be commissioned externally.

The first step to take after the creation of the office will be to synthesize all the information developed so far and try to take advantage of what has already been done, a starting point to make a diagnosis that marks a work plan and serves to develop guidelines strategies that must be agreed with the rest of the groups.

In order to streamline procedures, we will work in parallel in the drafting of the Detailed Plan, which must be approved by the City Council after the approval of the PGE.

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