
Comes the XX edition of "The Flexio Verbale" to Mariana Pineda square

Start date: August 20st, 2015
Finish date: August 22st, 2015
Event type: Other events
Site: Mariana Pineda Square
Schedule: From 19 hours
Home: Free
Event finished

On Thursday August 20, starts the XX edition of the festival "The Flexio Verbale"3 a full day program of performances. About one hundred people both in the region and outside it, will meet again in the Plaza Mariana Pineda de Dénia to show the audience their own creations.

Poetry reading in Dénia Verbale Flexio

Theater, music, poetry, magic, dance, storytelling performances, workshops and screening of films, shorts and documentaries are different proposals as every year come together in this festival. The Department of Youth and Culture of the City of Dénia have participated in organizing and sponsoring the festival together with the association "La Flexio Verbal".

From the organization, stressed that any selection of people to display their creations is performed, although the number of participants and the time that you have requested that activities do not have a longer duration of 20 minutes.

One of the peculiarities of the festival is that on stage can show your creation any individual, group or association with the simple requirement to apply to the organization without the need to meet a certain level of quality.

It is tried that each day begins with the Flexió Infantil. On this occasion there will be an animal workshop by Monipoppins & CIA on Thursday from 19: 00 hours, as well as a storyteller interpreted by the company L'Oracle de l´Est on Friday at 19: 15 hours.

In the audiovisual section highlights for Saturday's documentary "The revolució of Cabas" work is directed by Alejandra Mengual and Gonzalo Blanco, and that is the situation of agricultural production in the region and defends the need for agricultural trade proximity . some of the short winners of the first edition of Festival Short Film Auto-Drive-In will also be shown.

You can get more information on the festival website

XX poster Flexio Verbale

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