
Montgo ashes are transformed into war paint to fight fires

August 08 from 2015 - 00: 10

Public awareness in fire prevention remains fundamental in summer. Therefore, Dénia has launched a new campaign aimed at all citizens in order to raise awareness of the importance of preventing fire in our mountains.

The original way in which this campaign is presented is transforming the ash that was generated after the incencio Montgo in 2014 in war paint to stand up to the fire. #cenizascontraelfuego It is a campaign that seeks the participation of citizens in fire prevention by spreading usage rules for fire, good practices, maintenance and conservation of solar.

Presentation of fire prevention campaign Denia

Council Members Environment and Public Safety, Josep Crespo y Javier ScottoEspecially they emphasized that it is more than a campaign, "It is about creating a citizen movement of awareness and information against fires".

Crespo explained that «The ashes from past fires prevent new fires. That's why we collected ashes from three fires caused by recklessness (figuratively) and returned to Montgó to turn the ashes into war paint. We stood up against the fires. "The ashes became our war cry.".

To carry out the campaign has had the collaboration of five students from the Escola de Teatre Comarcal, who have joined their learning experience at school. For its director, Mario Passero, has been «one more lesson, since they live from within the realization of the advertising campaign. Enduring the pace of filming and photography, the inclement weather and the rush that accompany these campaigns is part of learning.».

Fire ashes

The campaign will soon be on the streets, media and social networks #cenizascontraelfuego hastag and implementation of the web cenizascontraelfuego.com.

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