23 2015 April - 15: 00


Osteopathy is a diagnostic and therapeutic approach manual dysfunctions joint mobility and tissue in general, with respect to their participation in the development of disease.

Medical school based on the theory that the body is a living organism where structure and function are coordinated. The disease is a perversion of the one and the other, while therapy is a manipulative restoration of these anomalies.

A healthy musculoskeletal system reduces back pain and improves the overall health of the person.
If the musculoskeletal system is injured or misaligned, the body cannot function properly. The objective is to identify defects in the structure and correct them, so that the patient can reach an optimal state of health.

Neck Pain

Osteopaths manipulate muscles and joints to correct structural problems. They usually use both massage and manipulation to relax muscle tension and improve general mobility while reducing pain.

Indications of osteopathic manual treatment:

        • Backaches and neck:
          -Stiff neck
          -Lumbalgias and lumbago
          Trouble disc
        • Headaches, migraines, some dizziness
        • joint pain
        • Muscle pains
        • Sports injuries
        • Sprains, tendinitis, injuries repeat
        • digestive, renal, urogenital, TMJ disorders
        • pedriática osteopathy:
          -Tortícolis congenital, plagiocephaly
          -foot zambo
          -Congenital hip dislocation
          hyperactive -children

To get more information, visit Fisiosalut in Avenida del Montgó, 6.

Contact with Fisiosalut

Avenida del Montgó, 6
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