
A plaque in the cemetery remembers the shot of the Civil War in Dénia

November 16 from 2012 - 00: 00

Sunday November 11, and as usual several years ago, a commemorative ceremony was held at the cemetery in memory of Dénia 52 shot during the Civil War.

The wall where they were killed is now a place of memory because, in addition to the impacts of projectiles, now has a plaque that reads caonmemorativa "To the memory of the dignity of the republicans and defender of les llibertats, deixaren in that died the last suspicion. Amb agraïment de les següents generations in a society in DEMOCRÀCIA I LLIBERTAT".

The act was organized by the PSOE and the Vents de Progrés Association, which was unanimously authorized by the full municipality of Dénia to install the plaque. The Secretary General of the Socialists of Dénia intervened, Vicent Grimalt; The councilor of Pedreguer Carol Artigues; The favorite son of the city, Vicent Balaguer; The coordinator of the group for the Recovery of Historical Memory of the University of Valencia, Matias Alonso, and various relatives of the executed. Pepita Fornés, the daughter of one of the people shot, was in charge of discovering the plaque.

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