
A training program will help entrepreneurs with business projects

23 October 2012 - 00: 00

In the current economic situation, entrepreneurial people with innovative ideas and projects are necessary. To support and guide these entrepreneurs, the European Center for Innovative Enterprises (CEEI) of Alcoy, Multisecma and CREAMA Dénia launch the cycle of conferences Emprendeaventur @.

This training itinerary addresses business management techniques through dynamic sessions and teamwork aimed at the implementation of business projects. The sessions will be from 10 to 14 hours and will begin the 29 of October at the facilities of CREAMA Dénia. Registration is free and can be made from the BIC website Alcoy.

In the presentation of these days were the council of CREAMA in Dénia, Vicente CheletThe director of the European Business Innovation Center (BIC) of Alcoy, Roberto Payá and Multisecma president, Luis Silvestre. The three agreed on the need to foster entrepreneurship in such a delicate moment we live.

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