
Their Majesties arrive in Dénia in convertible

16 December 2010 - 00: 00

Dénia is preparing to receive one of the most anticipated visits of the whole year: the Wise Men from the East will arrive on the night of January 5 to distribute gifts to all the boys and girls and everything is practically ready to receive them.

The Local Police will escort Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar from the entrance of Dénia to the Plaza de la Cruz Roja, where they will get on their floats to explore the Calle Marques de Campo accompanied by more than 150 dancers, pages, riders and cartoon characters.

This year, due to the works of the historic center, the live nativity scene where the Kings worship the baby Jesus will be installed in GlorietaWhere we can hear the parliaments of Their Majesties.

<chip>La Baix la Mar fails, the row Almogàvers, the Majorales of Sant Roc, the Amics del Cavall association, the band of xirimiters from La Safor, the Dénia Band and the Cachorras Band will accompany the Kings on their tour and collaborate in the pageantry.

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