
Ruth Negre revived feelings as maximum representative of the Les Roques fails

05 December 2015 - 02: 03

Both Ruth and René Negre Miralles have reason to argue that that "Second parts never was good". Both repeat this year as top Les Roques fails. Ruth was the major fallera of the commission in the year 2011 and René presided over the fault twenty years ago. That's why the night was special, because over the years both have changed and revive an experience known from another point of view, as Ruth herself acknowledged in her speech.

Introduction Les Roques - Ruth Negre

The proclamation of the major fallera of Les Roques was a brief act but full of emotion that was led by the fallera Aroa Forment. Before beginning, the major fallera of 2015, Laura Ferrer, addressed a few words of farewell to the attending public and also to the one who was president with her, Jose Antonio Monsonís, who did so from a recording while enjoying the act from his seat as president of the Local Board Fallera.

First she was called to the stage the president of this year, René Miralles, who was recognized happy to have Ruth, the daughter of a good friend, as faller, and her daughter Míriam as faller child of this exercise. In addition, I had the grace to remember the press in his words, especially the media.

The components of the court of honor of Ruth took the stage accompanied by their corresponding falleros and then and are of Alleluia, was called to the stage the real star of the night, Ruth Negre Santacreu, Les Roques faller 2016.

Presentation Les Roques - Ruth and René

Two twin little to caring Ruth were responsible for turn up the band faller which imposed its president, and immediately Ruth started to hear the words of those who did not expect, the family friend and mother of those little Lola Far, who managed to excite Ruth with a very brief but full of feeling and memories speech.

Presentation Les Roques - Exaltation

During the pleitesías very special moments were lived, as Ruth received the affection of the Association of Residents of Les Roques, the Comissió of Festes de la Mare de Deu dels Desemparats, representatives of the street Santíssima Trinidad, representatives of the falleras over 2011; also the Local Board Fallera 2013, which belonged Ruth; theater group Desficaci, To which the president belongs; Child charges of failure; The major fallera of the previous year and the Fallera Mayor of Denia, Marina Margalejo.

Ruth finally went from the top of the stage to present to remind them how special this year and experience living again thanks to the election of René.

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