
Portal de la Marina organizes a blood donation marathon on May 11 and 12

May 05 from 2021 - 12: 59

The mall Portal de la Marina, Along the Transfusion Center of the Generalitat Valenciana and the City Council of Ondara, organize a blood donation during the 11th and 12th of May. The extractions will take place on the ground floor of the shopping center, in the enclosure that will be installed complying with current regulations and all the necessary hygienic-sanitary measures.

This space will be open to donors from 10:00 a.m. to 13:30 p.m. and from 16:30 p.m. to 20:30 p.m., and all volunteers must meet the following conditions:

  • Have more than 18 years
  • Weigh more than 50 kg
  • Not fasting
  • Not having donated in the last eight weeks
  • Not having or having suffered from diseases transmitted through the bloodstream

Objective: break donation record

With the aim of getting the largest number of donors in recent times, the mall will give away a movie ticket to all participants, which will also enter the draw for prizes awarded by the Ondara City Council. In addition, Portal de la Marina will raffle a year of free cinema among those participants who share a photo on social networks using the hashtag #YoDonoEnPortalDeLaMarina.

Unfortunately, in recent times the number of blood donations has not stopped decreasing and donation marathons receive fewer and fewer volunteers. Now more than ever, blood continues to be a basic necessity in hospitals. Therefore, with The great donation, the Ondara shopping center hopes to mobilize en masse the entire Marina Alta and manage to break a record with which the entire region can feel proud. With a single blood donor, up to three lives can be saved, a figure that multiplied by hundreds would be quite an achievement.

For Virginia Carrasco, director of Portal de la Marina, this action “is without a doubt our campaign of the year. We are talking about saving lives and for us there is no greater reward than being able to contribute to achieving as many as possible. We believe that the entire Marina Alta will respond and everyone will join The great donation".

For its part, the Transfusion Center of the Valencian Community assures that “having Portal de la Marina for this donation marathon is a joy. We know that the shopping center has a great pull among the neighbors of the Marina Alta and that making the donation there can be a great success. Although we are still involved in the pandemic, we can guarantee that the donation will be made based on the maximum sanitary measures avoiding any type of contagion. We hope that society understands the importance of donating and helps us save lives ”.

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