
Opinion Platform for the defense of the Public Health of the Marina Alta: «Blah, blah, blah…»

16 September 2015 - 00: 02

Since almost all the political parties in this region committed themselves in an assembly of the Platform (not even the Party nor Ciudadanos) to return the management of health to public hands, we have seen good intentions and photos in the press of the regional government but little determination to fulfill what was promised.

The Marina Salud company continues to roam freely, harming all the inhabitants of the Marina Alta. In the Ministry of Health we observe unconvincing movements, meetings facing the gallery, which seem more oriented towards the general elections than to solve ballots, very stale ballots that are still there, waiting for some real politician to want to get their hands on them. and solve them.

Platform in Defense of Public Health of the Marina Alta

We want to remember here that there are people suffering from this mismanagement of Health Marina real way, every day. Patients, families and workers. And they're all voting rights.

Patients are not entitled to be referred to the HACLEs, we know nothing of the Mental Health Unit Child (USMI), we spent a summer penalty, with just replacing healthcare professionals in the department, there are patients who are susceptible to be treated in referral hospitals due to illness "captive" of Health Marina they remain because they do not want to derive. For example, because the list is longer.

That is, life is the same, some to suffer and others to continue playing politics. Mrs. Carmen Montón, Consellera de Sanitat,


It is already good of political and economic interests, we are talking about health, sick people and affected families who have been waiting for a long time to improve their situation.

And we're not talking about appointments, which also could do, what we want are operational changes, structural, mood ... MOVEMENT.

Platform in Defense of Public Health of the Marina Alta

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