
Opinion Maria Josep Ripoll: «The 'old guard' against the nova Dénia»

17 June 2022 - 11: 47

It is now the moment to finally approve, after 7 years of rigorous and exhaustive planning, the urban planning document that will provide the city with a stable plan (after decades of legal varapals); d'un plan coherent (20 years ahead, a forecast of growth fins als 50.000 inhabitants); of a sustainable plan (which prevents urban consolidation from overexploiting more than facing the territory and protecting the natural and agricultural landscape); d'un pla, també, d'infraestructures de futuro (access to the port, intermodal station, educational centers, parking lots).

S'hi acosta, and the 'old guard' returns to the resounding NO in a desperate attempt to stop the processing of the General Structural Plan (PGE) that is entering the last phase.

Surprises in the going to stay, in the Extraordinary Ple on going to vote expose to the public the final version of the PGE, in feeling eixos three NO rotunds of Gent of Dénia, Citizens and Popular Party.

Hi they will vote NO to allow citizens to consult the document and participate, if it is the case, present-hi al·legacions. I ho van fer sense to offer-ne cap argument that contributes certain transparency to negative eixa.

I thought that the citizens and citizens have the right to know why the People of Dénia, Citizens and the Popular Party are opposed to a plan that foresees very important green areas, such as the Alqueries park, with 13 Ha, and the Gandia park, with 3,7, XNUMX Ha; and that reserves only for two new instituts and four col·legis.

A pla, also (is this the crux of the question?), with our possible residential developments are continguts in 52 Ha, while protecting large areas of high-value agricultural landscape, such as the Pla de Dénia (1.300 Ha, equivalent to 20% of the municipal term).

The opinions, the different visions of the future, the interests or concrete priorities are totally legal. But the General Plan must be perfectly legal and adapted to the current urban regulations: for now, the PGE of Dénia has incorporated the indications of a hundred sectoral reports from supra-municipal administrations; It has been exposed to the public for 105 days; He has studied, contested or incorporated, depending on the case, the 470 allegations raised; i s'ha arrodinit amb les modificions suggerides por la DATE, the Declaration of Environmental Impact issued by Conselleria, more restrictive faces in the initial growth forecasts.

I to this feina, return to dir-ho, rigorous and exhaustive, Gent de Dénia, Ciudadanos and Partit Popular have nothing more to contribute than a NO to the process of public exhibition of the final version of PGE.

Maria Josep Ripoll
Councilor of Territori Ajuntament de Dénia

  1. IgnacioG says:

    For them, transparency is something else, but it is absolutely normal that the caciques and senoritingos do not want to lose control. Although checking the level of subservience of the population would not be any problem either.

  2. IgnadioG says:

    For them, transparency is something else, but it is absolutely normal that the caciques and senoritingos do not want to lose control. Although checking the level of subservience of the population would not be any problem either.
