
Opinion Eva Ronda (Compromís): «October 9 and music in valencià»

12 October 2019 - 00: 05

It turns out to be positive but, moreover, it is significant, that in Dénia we can play a concert of music in Valencia on such an important day for all the times with the Valencian 9, dated on vindication the nostra llengua, the nostra culture, our patrimoni, així com totes les senyes d'identitat that are defined as such.

But it also shows curios that some times are commenting that “Finally for the first time” However, this decision is decided, how many years it will be one of the purposes and activities contemplated in the program of Compromís, and dutes a terme durant the Festa Major amb a music festival in our country and between various groups of the Valencian territory. Per par par de molts anys enrere amb el Rock a la Mar.

Yes, I am the director of 3 faculty anys ho vam to advise malgrat molts impediments, cares llargues and malgrat la location, donat that perqüestions alien meua will be va d'haver to perform to the Torrecremada recount, the qual no menyspreem, but in full patron festes it was not the most timely port or desitjat per a l'activitat in which it was. Some things sow that aleshores were not so easy.

No deixa tampoc of being curious that ara, after 4 anys d'haver governat in coalition amb el PSOE, it is decided, sobte, to organize a large sale of activities to remember our day, month by month, in a coordinated way between different departments, something that will defend defenses to the medul·la durant el meu manament. In those moments irrational semblava, i ara, tot is fa possible. Then ask who will stop the detonant or the motiu of dit canvi, which benvingut follow.

Sent tot licit i respectable, it is also worth noting that the Compromís group is not going to abstain from the institutional structure of the City Council because it is against the program. More aviat es perquè ho porta fent des de 2005, which el Regidors of the Bloc will decide not to attend the institutional activity of the 9 d'Octubre and to carry out a propi pel rebuig to the statutory reform, agreed upon between PSPV and PP.

In short, if you have a personal opinion, I hope to continue gaudir of the meua llengua musicalment parlant i d'altres initiatives that make you proud to be the one who som: Valencianes i valencians.

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