
Opinion of the PSPV Dénia: «Ja som la millor Dénia»

May 26 from 2020 - 15: 47

On May 26, 2019, the darreres municipal elections will be held. A historical data per als socialistes deniers. The project of PSPV-PSOE Dénia, encapçalat per l'actual mayor, Vicent Grimalt, will advise the absolute majority. The citizenship will reward the transformation of the municipal government during the previous years and it will renew the trust in the socialist team with the passaport direct to the government of Dénia.

Our programmatic proposal to the hours, following the star of a previous legislature in which the great number of projects with the conversion of the Plaça de l'Arxiduc Carles turned into a space fully dedicated to the people; l'emblemàtic Museu de la Mar; or the transformation of carrers with Colón, Mar i Sandunga, is based on a promise: to continue treballant-hi per to advise La Millor Dénia.

Tanmateix, the dotze mesos who have followed that nit d'eufòria, convulsions, accidents, who have forced to improvise, refer to lists of priorities, readjust pressupostos and improve the il·lusions pròpies of temps of calm but to donate immediate coverage To the needs of the moment, they have shown that they are som, that they are La Millor Dénia.

Per això this article commemorates the first any of the absolute socialist majority to Dénia s'ha reconvertit, sense dubtar-ho, in an article d'agraïment i admired cap a totes i tots vosaltres, which heu mantingut els ànims i la maquinària engreixada per to overcome storms and pandemics.

N'hem aprés, by tot això, which will evolve in a decisive way for more sustainable environments and smaller economies. N'hem aprés que cal do not lose sight of mai els col·lectius més vulnerable, que volem viure en Ciutats thinking per les persones; that the innovation and creativity in fan més resistents i adaptatius; i molt valorem, in moments durs, trobar suport in l'administració més propera.

Hem confirmed that the socialist program designed for La Millor Dénia, sensitive to the nous interessos socials, decided to undertake the path of ecological transition, equalitarian convenience, related to the production and local commerce, Valent per to bet on a city of The people and not the cotxes and he formed it, it's a futur program. The nova normalitat program.

Thank you, Denia!

  1. Paula says:

    The million Dénia will be for them, that ben re bé is going to bid the payroll quickly….
    A veure that they have thought for the person parades of the long term and they will sharpen the list of unemployment in the propers messos.
    You should not receive them, but the q volem is treballar i tindre a worthy nokina

  2. Joselito says:

    Hahahaha, Bisca Dénia, Independence yaaaaaaa

  3. Juan Perez says:

    I encourage you, you still have three years left, you have time to destroy it a little more, and so they will continue to vote for you.
