
Opinion of the Obrim el Center platform: "Closing the Glorieta and Marqués de Campo street to las bravas is assuming the death of the entire center"

30 December 2020 - 12: 40

Up to two occasions, the plenary session of Dénia has approved to send to the Department the General Structural Plan, an urban planning instrument that includes, among other documents, a Mobility Plan that is very transparent with respect to the center of Dénia: pedestrianization, yes, but progressive, in stages and after the implementation of different infrastructures that are very clearly included in said plan.

With the current closure of Glorieta and Calle Marques de Campo, the Government team is affecting in a very negative way the accessibility of the entire center and, in addition, it is not complying with the same document that it has drawn up and approved twice in the plenary session of the city.

In general terms, the pedestrianization envisaged in this Mobility Plan includes the creation of new parking spaces, the reorganization of traffic and the effective solution for loading and unloading, as well as access to homes. In summary: if you want to close Marqués de Campo street, you will have to enable the necessary and sufficient mechanisms for the traffic in the center to flow in another way.

It is not viable, and thus it is clear from the Mobility Plan itself approved by the Dénia City Council, that the street is closed without first planning, arranging and executing a series of infrastructures that are now non-existent, since the center has barely changed in the last ten years.

As an example of action: right now on the Marqués de Campo street there is the opportunity to expand the Vía car park by at least a hundred more places, and that without losing the landscaping project that you want to carry out the government team.

Closing the Glorieta and Marqués de Campo street like this, hard, and contrary to what was approved by the City Council itself, is assuming the death of the entire center. It is not only this square and this street that are affected. So are the surrounding streets: Magallanes (where the Municipal Market is) Colón, Diana, La Mar, Cándida Carbonell, last section Pare Pere, Ramón y Cajal, Cop, Plaça del Covent, etc.

Rectifying is wise. For this reason, once again, we ask the Dénia Government team to open the Glorieta and Marqués de Campo Street to traffic, in the way it has been done in recent years, with periods in which it is of use exclusive pedestrian with others in which road traffic is allowed and easy access to homes. And that it opens in this way until all the necessary infrastructures are ready to be able to face, if at that time it is considered convenient, a pedestrianization.

We ask, in short, that they comply with the Mobility Plan that, twice, has been approved in the plenary session of Dénia and sent to the Department.

  1. ego sum says:

    Most of the residents want Calle Marqués de Campo to stay as it is. Those cars that cannot park and that circulation cut off,
    all the surrounding streets will collapse, not to mention that it will be the death of many stores and in turn the disappearance of many jobs. What they want is for you to pay for the parking on the road and thus do business.
    If you want to spend money to go through the term, in Las Devesas there are dirt streets, in Montgo there are streets that were asphalted more than 40 years ago and for example, near Denia, Fragata street is half of dirt and the other half is poorly paved, with no sidewalk or public lighting. But this City Council only cares about the urban center to the other Las Marinas, Las Rotas, Montgo, Las Devesas just to pay taxes.
    Save and lower the deficit and do not do unnecessary "bullshit".

  2. Xavi says:

    The big problem with cities is that space is limited. It is already good that cars use almost all the available space. We are always 40 years behind in everything. Also in pedestrianization. Later, when the street belongs to people again and not to junk, it seems implausible to us that it took so long to recover it.

    Some want traffic to return to the center of Denia and for the doctor to receive you smoking at the Hospital.
