
Opinion of Compromís per Dénia: "But if the memory fails"

31 July 2020 - 12: 50

As the motion begins, it will approve the plenary session, and it will be publicly announced with a joint proposal agreed by consensus between PSPV i Citizens, "L'Ajuntament de Dénia, as of November 2018 will ratify in plenary session the will to participate in the prey of decisions that affect the Port of Dénia".

From the current motion, and the seua communicated to the city, it is clear from these things: In the first place, that the PSOE is more comfortable every communicative seua predisposed to anar cap to the central lane, and that from dalt to baix de la seua dome així ho estan fent veure. Per part of Ciudadanos també ... De fet, ja governa amb el PSPV en quasi tants municipis com ho fa amb el PP. "No res es pot discard in politics," say veus of Citizens. I in això tenen raó, each political party seeks the strategic strategy. Start to see that it is that of the PSOE, which continues to oblige that the seu èxit has been thanks to the convergence of forces progressistes com la de Compromís.

According to lloc, if bé tota col·laboración policy amb forces of different ideology is bona si is per al bé de la Ciutat, as is the col·laboració policy amb uns, s'hauria de fer, per humilitat i honestedat, amb els altres. I do not, per contra, ignore and suppress the old paper or presence, with the clear will to neutralize us or fer-us disappear.

Tornem doncs to the question of the Port Autònom that the groups of Grimalt and Citizens have presented with a consensus motion between the two. Aleshores cal remember that part of the motion the vam present fil per randa to 2018, with the total opposition of Citizens and the PP. Both parties are dependent on the initiative of the government to advise that the Port of the city is managed by an autonomous body, which is also the responsibility of the business of Dénia.

In any case, hi estem molt contents that s'haja unanimously represented the subject this vegada. Always hem fet the one who is in our house Dénia tinga veu i voted in the decisions that affect the Port, considering essential that the beneficiaries of the Port revert in the nostre municipi. This is a historical claim. Així that, PP and Citizens make canviat d'opinió is a good news.

Estem contents in the fons, but not in the form. And why, if the motion has been presented by a group of setmans, why will all of them contribute and agree? Because the nostra part ja was implicit since the last legislature, si bé això s'ha omès. I ha are moltes vegades.

Because while I remain silent and perpetuate the current management of the Port, we have presented motions and proposals (in 2007, 2013, 2015 and 2018) to demand more benefits and more veu and vote in the assumptions of the Port; ho hem portat in various electoral programs; We will be clau in the last legislature to create the Spain Port-Ciutat, as an organ that will donate actively to the City Council in the decisions of the Port; I am going to be an active part of the 2018 motion that is to be reused and is reiterated. Month to month, during this legislature we have insisted on reprimanding the issue on many occasions, and we are going to request a meeting in Spain Port-Ciutat to deal with assumptions such as the withdrawal of the Raset dunes, sense obtindre cap will Neither response per part of the government team.

I malgrat tot això, in tot this theme sembles that hem tingut res a veure. Doncs not. Nosaltres, estem recordant el nostre paper, that some treballen repeatedly perquè la gent oblide. You know how some of these cards play. In these political temps that run, for more than ever the library is missing, in case the memory fails ...

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