
Nine complaints during the first night of curfew

25 October 2020 - 11: 26

Since one o'clock in the morning, the new security measures to fight the coronavirus pandemic have come into effect. Among them, the one that has attracted the most attention is the establishment of a curfew, or restriction of night mobility as they insist on calling it, which prohibits going out between midnight and 06:00.

On the first day with this new rule, the Dénia police have already had to present several sanctions to neighbors for their non-compliance. In total, 3 people were reported last night for non-compliance with the new mobility restrictions and 6 for non-compliance with the obligations to wear a mask in public spaces.

  1. reg says:

    moi je bosse depuis le debut des mesures gourvernementales sans vacances jours feriees etcet je reste boulot et dodo et je vois tous les jours les gens in front of the restrictions alors ca degoutte un peu pourquoi je me prive pour pour des gens qui resprect pas

  2. Sammy says:

    Ich verstehe das nicht, warum wollen die Menschen einfach nicht vernünftig werden
    Davon abgesehen das sie nicht nur ihr eigenes Leben sondern auch das Leben ihrer Mitmenschen in Gefahr bringen
