
Music and graffiti to introduce Arantxa García as higher infant faller Paris Pedrera

28 September 2015 - 00: 02

La Xicalla Paris Pedrera celebrated the Sunday morning submitting their maximum charges for the year 2015 / 2016: the Arantxa Norberto Garcia Orozco and brothers.

Which was higher infant faller of Denia last year, Candela Pastor, Who is also the cousin of the protagonists, was commissioned to conduct a ceremony in which colorful graffiti and pop and funky music had special prominence.

Child Presentation Paris Pedrera 2016 - Ballet

Norberto was the first to be called to the stage where the first surprise awaited him in the morning: her mother, Sandra, would be responsible for handing the baton to the president and say a few words of affection that touched the child.

Then Norberto welcomed all components of the child commission, which were gradually completing the stage. But missing the most important, the small Arantxa, who was called to the stage during the two girls modern dance dance.

Norberto beat her sister faller band and accompanied his throne atop the stage, where he received the affection of many people who came to join her in a very special morning.

Child Presentation Paris Pedrera 2016 - Norberto and Arantxa García Orozco

They were the first to climb sister, Aitor and Kyra Noguera, who last year were where they were. Representatives of the Paris Xicalla Pedrera last year dismissed from the commission with endearments especially for faller, Irene González.

After they pulled the pleitesías on charges of failure, Roberto and Noelia. He also represented the Comissió of Festes de la Mare de Deu, Paco Arnau To usually do. On behalf of City Council he attended the councilman of Culture, Rafa Carrió; and it closed the turn of pleitesías the highest infant faller of Denia, Alejandra Pastor.

And finally came the most anticipated moment of the day to Arantxa, his exaltation. A little silence in public until the father of the small, Norberto García, rose from his seat and walked to the lectern.

Child Presentation Paris Pedrera 2016 - exalting Norberto García

The exaltador surprised with the live music of Jaume Pineda and Ángela Perelló, who accompanied his speech from beginning to end. Both Arantxa and her brother were touched by the words of their father, who acknowledged that he was facing a difficult moment. But it was not his first time: in 1998 he did the same when the mother of the children was proclaimed as a major faller.

Norberto recalled some moments lived with his children and, finally, he projected a video of photographs with the song "Don't stop dreaming" in the background, the message that he wanted to hide in the little ones.

After the emotions experienced, Arantxa took the floor to, from memory, thank the support and affection of family and friends and remember that when Roberto and Noelia came to look for them as child charges, she agreed to the first but her brother put a condition: not speak in public. Six months later, the dream of these two little ones is a reality: they are the president and the oldest child fallera of the Paris fails Pedrera.

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