
Motion to expedite the process of the Third IES

26 2012 April - 00: 00

The socialist group of the City of Dénia has filed a motion in the Board of Spokespersons for the City Council to urge the Generalitat to expedite the efforts to start the works of the IES Number 3.

The works, which should have begun, according to the Generalitat, during the first quarter of 2011, do not have a start date due to the situation of pre-bankruptcy in which the construction company has entered.

EL PSOE asks the Generalitat Valenciana to unblock the bureaucratic problems that prevent the Third Institute from ceasing to be a section of the IES Historiador Chabás, as it has already requested the plenary session of the Dénia City Council more than a year ago.

  1. Garbiñe says:

    I live on the Camino de Santa Lucía, so I suffer the noises and breathe the dust in suspension that originate the machines that work or that remove the red sand that is there. So if the works have not started…. What are those grotesque and noisy machines doing every holy day lurking next to my house?

  2. Mayka says:

    And while it is not the school is made, unless the school is granted to IES No. 3, so that students do not have to go to other institutes at the end of the ESO.
