
Environment Ecodénia diffuses into local resources that promote environmental sustainability

08 October 2014 - 00: 00

The Department of the Environment participates in the 2014 Ecodénia Fair with the aim of publicizing two important resources that favor the environmental sustainability that exist in our city, the mobile eco-park and the composting plant.

The mobile ecopark

The mobile eco-park, incorporated into the garbage collection service since the beginning of the summer and managed by the Urbaser urban cleaning concessionaire, will be present at the fair so that residents can get to know this innovative itinerant service that can save the user when he wants to deposit household waste that is not excessively bulky (toners, cd, porcelain, small electrical appliances, oils, etc.).

Your weekly location will be informed and the model of fixed eco-park projected in the Madrigueres game will also be displayed in a panel.

Dénia Composting Plant

Composting plant

Neighbors and visitors can see first-hand the operation of this facility, unique and pioneer in the region, where they collect the plant waste of pruning, gardening and agriculture for further processing into compost or compost of different qualities, for use in gardening or horticulture.

Through an information panel you can see the composting process carried out in the plant. In addition, it will be possible to see live the evolution of the vegetable waste in the different phases of transformation of the process.

In order to publicize the benefits of the compost, the company Excavaciones Blas Antequera, current concessionaire of the composting plant, will invite visitors to carry out a practical activity consisting of planting an aromatic plant using the elaborate compost to fill the pot. on the floor.

Ecodénia will be installed in the Calle Marques de Campo, from 9 to 12 in October, from 10 to 22 hours.

Waste separation workshops in educational centers

In parallel to the Fair Ecodénia, the Department of Environment has organized the realization of talks and workshops of domestic separation of waste and its correct deposit in the appropriate containers, essential step to optimize the recycling of packaging. They will be carried out in the schools and institutes of Dénia and they are directed to the students of Infantile, Primary, ESO and Baccalaureate.

The activities on waste separation are sponsored by the Ministry of Environment, Water, Urban Planning and Housing and Integrated Waste Management Systems in the Valencian Community.

They are taking place between the 6 and 8 days in October for primary school students. ESO and Bachillerato students finish the 31 campaign in October.

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