
It hurts ... do I use cold or heat?

09 September 2014 - 00: 00

What is normally used when there are pains and / or discomforts in some part of our body? Some people usually put in the affected area, a bag of frozen peas or an ice pack; while others prefer to use a hot water bag or an electric blanket that generates heat. So, we ask ourselves: what is better, getting cold or hot? This is a question we are asked every day and our answer is always the same ...

Cold or hot

If you have pain, then it is very likely to have swelling in the area. If ever has sprained ankle or a knee then you know that is painful swelling and warming. So what do you think might happen if more heat over the inflamed area gets you think? Do you think that could ignite more and hurt more?

Let's use the spine as an example: the column is the protective housing of the spinal cord running from head to pelvis and full length features small lateral holes where they exit the nerves of the spinal cord, carrying messages from the brain the different body parts. In order to allow it to move as well oiled machine, the backbone has a number of joints and lubricated disks. With poor posture and other bad habits, can harden the spine and joints can become inflamed. This inflammation can pinch or pinch nerves leaving the spinal cord, causing different symptoms.

So, do you like to put more heat in an area that is already hot, swollen and sore? We usually recommend using ice in the affected area for 10 minutes to help reduce swelling and lower inflammation levels. Often our patients tell us that ice has helped them relieve their discomfort. If there is less swelling in the affected area, then that also helps chiropractic treatment, which in the end has to do with the elimination of interference in the nervous system ... interferences such as swelling, which can cause nerve impingement.

Of course, the choice is yours when deciding to apply heat or cold, but it is our duty to make people aware that extra warmth on an already inflamed area can exacerbate their problems. Also note that the use of ice is not a panacea and does not undo the problem, but when used in conjunction with other healthy lifestyles, such as chiropractic care, then the difference is significant.

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