
More than 500 school will participate in the workshop social skills

03 March 2015 - 09: 01

This first week of March is taking place in eleven schools in Denia, La Xara and Jesus Pobre, the eleventh edition of social skills workshop for students of primary 6º organized by the Department of Social Welfare.

To carry out this initiative, this year there are two professionals from the Associated Center UNED Dénia, the pedagogue Lorena Pérez and the doctor in Didactics and School Organization Mª Dolores Moreno. In total, 517 schoolchildren from the centers will participate: Llebeig, Les Vessanes, Montgó, Alfa & Omega, La Xara, Maristas, PaidosCervantes, Pare Pere de Jesus Pobre, Carmelitas and Pou de la Muntanya.

This workshop aims to promote, improve and develop competence, skills and social skills of students in 6º Primary to learn to relate, assert themselves and deal with the influences and pressures of the group, namely make autonomous and responsible decisions and and maintain positive health activities towards making use of free time to service activities and relationships and personal growth and social enrichment.

Note the importance of these workshops age pre-teens because school are subject to a major change in their own life process and about to start in high school and join the institute, where they will be subject to new friends, influences and pressures.

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