
More than 300 entrepreneurs will gather at the Awards Gala IX CEDMA

February 09 from 2016 - 08: 00

The next 3 in March, the halls of the Dénia Marriott Hotel will host the award ceremony of the IX Awards CEDMA, An important event which is expected to gather more than 300 entrepreneurs of the region and Valencia and the winners will visit next February 19.

This was explained Sonja Dietz, President of CEDMA, in presenting the gala, which was accompanied by the Secretary General, Esteban Cobos, and vice Benito Mestre, Agulles Isabel and Ángel Vives.

Awards presentation IX CEDMA

To select the winners, the associations MULTISECMA, Association of Tourist Promoters of Dénia, Vall de Pop, Jovempa Marina Alta, Polígono Juyarco Association, ASETRAMA, Tourist Rental Association, MLS Dénia Inmobiliaria and Port Dianium and the unique companies that are part of the Federation, will be in charge of presenting candidates to finally select three companies that will be recognized for their trajectory , tradition, projection of the region abroad or innovation.

This year's gala will feature the collaboration of businessman Pedro López, CEO of Chocolates Valor, which will offer a presentation on The strategy of differentiation in marketing and sales. Chocolates Valor case. It will also project an audiovisual "About something that interests us and concerns the entire region"And both the President as the highest political authority to go made speeches.

The evening gala awards ceremony is always a meeting between businessmen of the area in which they exchange experiences and memories, as Dietz said. He also recalled that the winners will receive a sculpture created by artist Teo San José exclusively for the occasion.

1 Comment
  1. Botafuegos says:

    It will be very interesting to know who are the winners of the «Bourgeois Monopoly that suffocates new entrepreneurs» The awards should go to the entrepreneurs who have created the most jobs in the town and who have treated their employees the best. I would like to know what Mr. Pedro López (Chocolates Valor) thinks of his representative in Denia. As a customer I left his store very disappointed to see how the owner treated the poor waitresses. Perhaps that is why the poster hangs on its window: »staff needed» To begin the awarding of prizes should be carried out by an external body, outside the village outlets. Second, they should enhance customer and employee satisfaction surveys to have an objective assessment. Or at least take a look at what people are saying on the "forums". Gentlemen, at this point, your contest sounds more like a bath of hollow applause, than to verify the business reality of a town or region that a few bourgeois monopolize, forcing many young people to accept precarious jobs or "go into exile" to seek better fortune.
