
The Iaioflautas of the Marina Alta 'are still standing' and will take to the streets again this Saturday

May 04 from 2018 - 07: 33

The flutes of the Marina Alta, the group that fights for the dignification of pensions, will join this Saturday to the mobilizations called by the State Coordinator For the Defense of the Public Pension System. At the 12: 00 hours have convened a demonstration that will depart from the plaza of the City of Dénia and will end at the Retirement Home, in the facilities of the Social Center.

This new call attends that "The pact that the PNV has signed with the government does not guarantee the revaluation of pensions beyond the elections becoming a bitter candy post-election"But "Open the window to what we already knew: that money is for what you want, and it is only a matter of staying on the street with reasons and reasons for you to sit down with us to deal with our problems that are the problems of everyone @s ".

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