
The merchants of Dénia give a notable to the acts of the Nit de la Llum and the Mercat de Nadal

19 December 2022 - 11: 03

The Dénia merchants highlight the promotional impulse of the Nit de la Llum and Mercat de Nadal for their establishments. The Department of Commerce has surveyed the merchants participating in both events to find out their experience. The participants rated different points on a scale from 0 to 10. The area most valued in both events is the boost given to establishments at the level of image and promotion.

Sales and visits to shops, together with entertainment activities, also reach the notable in the evaluations. In general terms, merchants value both experiences positively, giving a seven and a half on average.

About 18 of the merchants participating in the Nit de la Llum have responded; while the questions of the Mercat de Nadal were answered by some 14.

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