
UNED welcomed new students grade

26 September 2014 - 09: 26

Dénia UNED Associated Center welcomed last week to new undergraduate students who begin their studies with a briefing that took place in the lounge of acts of the center.

About one hundred students gathered to hear the words of the director, Raquel Marí, and the Academic Coordinator Ma Angeles Mendez, the delegate of students at the Center and Coordinator of COIE who was responsible for making the introduction of aspects related to the study.

Meeting new students UNED Dénia

The talk special importance was given the responsibility of each student when making your tuition considering its possibilities and situation and thus avoid abandonment and demotivation. He also explained how studying at the center through the modality of distance learning and classroom students through tutorials taught by the tutors of the Associated Centers assistance.

In addition to the welcome talk this week was held the host course students access to the university and the faculty meeting to define the roadmap for the new academic year.

Meeting teachers UNED Dénia

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