
The police imposed nine complaints yesterday for leaving the house without justification

18 March 2020 - 18: 25

On Tuesday, March 17, 2020, the officers of the Local Police and the Dénia National Police, during their mobility controls on public roads, identified a total of 114 people and intercepted 510 vehicles.

Likewise, nine complaints were filed for non-compliance with the provisions of the decree of the State of alarm, six of them by the Local Police. Part of these complaints were to people who roamed the public highway without just cause. Another has been carried out at 00.40:24 hours today, on the road from Ondara to Dénia, to a neighbor of a municipality in the region who claimed to move to Dénia to buy kitchen and toilet paper in a XNUMX-hour store.

  1. Janice says:

    It would be very helpful to know exactly what the rules are and where the new changes are published. For example, I understand a husband and wife can no longer go shopping together even if one cannot drive and the other cannot lift heavy items, where is this rule posted?

    • KEPA says:

      In this country, there are contradictions, which are poorly understood. WHAT YOU COMMENT NO, however, until they have realized, HAIRDRESSERS, DENTISTS, siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
