
The 50-meter woman «Trapped in Time», from Tardor, is already part of the landscape of the Marina Alta

29 July 2020 - 14: 25

The new imposing work of the young dianense artist Tardor Since last Friday it also belongs to the residents of Ondara, where the muralist has decided to give up his art.

The work of Tardor Roselló can be enjoyed in different municipalities of the Marina Alta. Famous is his work in the Plaza del Garrofer and Cinema de La Xara, in the Plaza de la Rosa in Jesús Pobre (which the artist confesses is one of his favorites), in some streets of Benigembla, and, of course, , from Denia. In the capital of the Marina Alta, and his hometown, his signature appears on La Vía street, after the tunnel of the Castle and, for a few months, also on the façade of the Llunàtics building. In addition, other places in the State, such as Madrid, León or Galicia, have murals by the Dianense graffiti artist in their landscape.

But his art does not understand borders and has also reached other parts of the globe, such as the impressive 3D mural he made in Dresden (Germany), and for which Dénia.com conducted an interview last November.

Now, Tardor has used the Alberca river as a canvas as it passes through the center of Ondara to create an extraordinary 50-meter mural. In this one, which has the title Trapped in time, you can see a woman lying down and imprisoned between the road that crosses the riverbed.

It is an own project that the muralist proposed to the Ondara City Council, which provided everything so that he could carry it out. In just ten days, Tardor granted the municipality a work that will long form part of the landscape of Oviedo.

1 Comment
  1. Anonymous says:

    And then there is the Xàbia town hall ... They propose ideas that are incredible and, directly, they do not respond to them. It is not that they say no, it is that they pass over you ... Congratulations for such a spectacular job!
