
La 'Valencian League' A league preparation competition

August 12 from 2017 - 06: 00

The Federation of basketball of the Region of Valencia prepares the "Lliga Valenciana", A competition that serves as an aid to the preparation of each of the teams that later dispute the league in any category. That is, it is a matter of making pre-season games, but in an orderly fashion and under the organization of the federative entity.

The competition will be launched next September, with a calendar of matches that will take into account the geographical proximity so that the cost is the lowest possible.

All categories may participate in the "Lliga Valenciana": Benjamines, Fry, Children, Cadets, Juniors and Seniors. And in all the categories in which there are more than 32 registered teams will be created two levels of competition, adapting even more to the objectives and specific characteristics of each set.

The entry deadline to participate in this competition ends the August 31 for the senior and junior categories and the September 7 for the IR categories.

Teams quarry Dénia Básquet Usually have a lot of protagonism when they get to play finals and some of them get the title of champions.

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