
Campaign # DéniadiuNO near 500 signatures collected in its first week

16 June 2014 - 14: 47

Today is a week since the campaign to collect signatures against oil drilling on our coast was reactivated # DéniadiuNO. After these first seven days, the balance leaves 487 signatures against surveys that have collected in the market of Torrecremada; the fruit and vegetable market on Fridays and fair Dénia, peix i sea last weekend was held.

The signature collection table will be reinstalled in the La Vía street trail next Friday to continue adding support against these actions. Once the campaign is over, the municipality will send the collected signatures to the Ministry of Development so that they are aware of the population's rejection of these surveys on our coast.

Dénia DIU NO

1 Comment
  1. Antonietta says:

    Good Morning,
    The signature collection table has to be more visible and attract more people's attention. 500 signatures are very few in several days of collection.
    Grace and good luck!
