
Halloween big party on the West Falla

November 03 from 2011 - 12: 07

Last Monday, October 31, night of Halloween, Falla Oeste He prepared a big party to celebrate this day. From early thematizing our casal started making genuine Haunted house. No detail failed: cobweb, ghosts, skeletons, tunnel of terror, dark fog, spiders ...

The first to enjoy Casal terror were the Xicalla of the commission from the 5 afternoon had their Halloween childish. When they opened the door of the house, they found a tunnel that led them to the big room. When they saw her they had a little Poreta but then they came to enjoy the snack that we had prepared. Our children's positions, Angela and Hugo, dressed as the warrior corpse bride and death.

From 21: 00 h Casal terror He opened its doors to welcome its older guests. As they came and opened the door, they found the tunnel and an illuminated center only with the light of candles and our positions Antonio and Bea demon and Wednesday Adams. Over dinner a few undead appeared by beating casal occasional startle someone.

After dinner was the turn of the award for best costume which went to Alex Salmerón and spectacular characterization of "The Clown Saw" and at the end he started playing music well into the morning.

From the West Falla we want to thank all those who made the party the best way.

Falla West, Cavalguem for the festa!

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