
School of Fathers and Mothers in Emòtica

01 2011 April - 00: 00

The concept and functions of the family have been constantly changing, adapting gradually and continuously to the new situations and challenges that our society has been posing over the centuries. The family continues to have great value in itself and will continue to play important roles in people's lives. One of the most important functions is the EDUCATOR, as the first socializing agent of the children.

La School Parents It is a preventive training program, which has as a priority objective to inform and train parents for the work of acting as parents. The role of parents is a very important, committed and rewarding job, but at the same time one of the most difficult jobs that may exist, since parents are not provided with the necessary tools to do so.

En Emotica, we have created a team to work a workshop Fathers and mothers school, in order to provide some knowledge related to the role of parents that can help them improve their work as such.

Therefore, the main purpose is to reduce some of the increasingly common behavioral problems in children, such as disobedience and disrespect for authority, child aggression, demotivation, self-esteem deficit, etc., both in households As from homes.

It is about transmitting to the fathers and mothers, through a participatory teaching-learning process, the attitudes necessary to reduce them and increase social skills and appropriate values, which allow them to educate properly and without great efforts.

Through this project it is intended that parents interested in the course, once they have treated, reflected and debated on the issue of the importance of family education at home, be trained to: 1. Identify behavioral problems, reflect on them and solve them, that is, prevent and, where appropriate, treat behavioral problems of their sons and daughters; 2 Educate them properly in a positive environment based mostly on behavioral reinforcement; 3 Create an adequate family environment and proper discipline in the home; 4 Keep them stimulated towards learning; 5 Develop social skills, empathy and assertiveness at home.

Thus, the Fathers and mothers school contributes to the meeting and reflection collectively on the educational task that is done with the children. It serves to reinforce the role as educators in family and community life. It is useful in everyday practice to help us change what we need and decide. For more information you can contact us (Gloria Martí: 609933161; Verónica Monsonís: 639647656).

Verónica Monsonís Far
Master in Clinical Psychology.
Col. CV08093

Phone: 639.647.656

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