
Targeted training adapted to your schedule at Bfit

07 2021 April - 08: 00

A way to train totally suitable for you and with the schedule you want: if you need to change it every day, ask for your training appointment at the time that suits you best. In Bfit They have introduced these changes so that your well-being is maximum. Do you want to know what your targeted training consists of?

In Bfit they have established 5 individual spaces, each with its own material, in which each person performs a directed training with adapted exercises. The coach supervises how the exercise is being carried out in each box. It is a personal training, since the routine is totally adapted to you: in the training materials from different disciplines are interspersed, for example, one day you can train with material from crossfit and another with yoga material. The coach selects for you the discipline that suits you best according to the moment and your condition. These five spaces work by appointment, that is, They do not have fixed hours but you can ask at any time for the time you want, with total flexibility and without always conditioning yourself one day a week at a fixed time.

It is not group training, but it is a training that there are several people exercising at the same time, but each one with their own routine. They adapt to your needs and your schedule, because within their opening hours, you make an appointment and train whenever you want.

Contact Bfit

Carrer de Sertori, 13
634 62 50 30
Monday through Friday from 8: 00 13 to: 00 and 16: 00 21 to: 00
Shops and sports venues
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