
With the Red Cross, «On the road - Love yourself a lot» (I)

05 July 2011 - 13: 14

With the arrival of summer the heat arrives and with it the operations that leave the holidays. This conditions that traffic accidents are more frequent at this time of year.

From Red Cross Dénia they make us arrive their recommendations to avoid, in many cases, the tragedy in this time of vacations.

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In the first place, the Red Cross gives us the keys that we all know but that, many times, we do not have in mind when taking the car. Things as basic as wearing a seatbelt, driving at a moderate speed, staying attentive to the road and not driving after drinking alcohol, can mean that traffic accident victims are reduced. It should be borne in mind that, today, it is estimated that in 2020 the tragedies produced by traffic will be the 3rd cause of death in the world and infractions like this are the most frequent causes of these accidents.

Pedestrians, drivers, institutions, organizations ... we all have a responsibility to reduce the unacceptable number of fatalities due to traffic. It is also our duty to learn to provide first aid in order to react in time in case of an accident and to help the victims until the rescue teams arrive. This fact can be vital in many cases.

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